
Global chemical regulatory database GalleriaGalleria provides a database of more than 8000 lists
and 5 million chemicals covering 100+ countries worldwide.


Galleria provides more than 8000+lists, including physicochemical homogeneity information, foreign listing status and legislation, EHS, health hazard, environmental hazard, and transportation information for nearly 5 million chemicals in more than 100 countries worldwide.

Our services

  • Substances listed in over 100 countries worldwide
  • 8,000+ regulatory lists
  • Physicochemical homogeneity information
  • Health and environmental hazard information

Features and benefits


Substances listed in over 100 countries worldwide
The list of existing chemicals in each country, including the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Europe, Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, etc.


8,000 + regulatory lists
Global regulatory list and regulatory lists by region for nearly 100 countries worldwide available


Physicochemical, health and environmental hazard information
Access to detailed physicochemical, health hazard, and environmental hazard information
